Arwin Zijlema

I was born in 1965 in the north of the Netherlands, in the pretty little town of Franeker.
With the sea breeze in my nose I spent the first two and a half years there. Then my parents moved with us three brothers inland to Huissen, a small town near Arnhem. There I grew up, went to school, learned to swim and ride my bike, discovered sports and kissed my first girlfriend. At school, my favourite subjects were mathematics and chemistry.

Soon I had to learn that life is not always that easy. Doing sports I injured myself and so I came in touch with a physiotherapist for the first time. And immediately I realized: this profession interests me.

After school (VWO / Gymnasium) I decided to study “Fysiotherapy” at the University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem (NL).

Why I became a physical therapist:

  • Because I like working with other people
  • Because I like to help other people
  • Because I find the body in all its complexity very interesting
  • Because it gives me new inspiration every day.

Today together with my family I live in Basel-Stadt near the river Rhine. I love to swim in the Rhine, I like to stay on the bank, enjoy the constantly changing colours and feel connected to my homeland through the Rhine.


Practice Weisse Gasse 14, Basel

2018 – 2023
Opening practice “physio-az” in the group practice “Deine Mitte” – Gerbergasse in Basel

2001 – jetzt
Takeover of the practice “Physiotherapy Ziegelei” in Allschwil-BL

1997 – 2001
Kantonsspital Baselland Location Bruderholz

1993 – 1997
Practice Physiotherapy Spillmann – Rheinsprung – Basel

1991 – 1992
Rehabilitation centre Kliniken Valens CH

1990 – 1991
Medical Centre Bad Ragaz CH

1988 – 1990
Military service denied, compulsory civil service as physiotherapist in Revalidatie Centrum Amsterdam – NL

1983 – 1988

Study of “Fysiotherapy” at the University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem (NL).


Regular medical and practical advanced training is very important to me.